Bordiga Occitan London Dry Gin 42% 700ML
Bordiga Occitan London Dry Gin 42% 700ML
This Gin was first made by Bordiga, Italy, in 1889, and has kept its original recipe.
In addition to orange and lemon peel, only four main botanicals are used; juniper, angelica, cardamom, and a secret ingredient the distillery harvests locally from the Occitan Alps. The juniper used grows wild in the Maritime Alps, some of the highest mountains in Europe. This combination of altitude and maritime influence enriches the essential oils of the juniper berries, lending a unique flavor.
A classic juniper lift, with a fragrant nose cut with cardamom, distinct orange, and lemon rind notes. At once classic and distinctively individual, with the purity and intensity of the botanicals giving this gin remarkable cut and clarity. A great mixing gin, but also one with the detail and finesse to justify a martini.