Briottet Rose Liqueur 18% 700ML
Briottet Rose Liqueur 18% 700ML
Rose liqueur is part of the Flowers liqueurs. There is also the violet liquor, the poppy liquor or the liquor trend to the elderflower.
History says that rose liquor comes from China. Indeed, the rose fragrance is very popular there. Even today, the best known rose liqueur is undoubtedly Mei Kuei Lu. This liqueur is in great demand and consumption. The ingredients of Mei Kuei Lu are sorghum and rice alcohol, rose extract and sugar. In the end, the whole gives a strong result at more than 50 degrees of alcohol. So finally nothing to do with our liquor even if both have the same denomination.
Our Rose liqueur is very aromatic. To obtain it, the rose petals are macerated in neutral alcohol and then distilled. We then add French white sugar to finalize the liquor. The alcohol content is 18 degrees. Thus this liqueur is perfect in association with a Crémant or Champagne for example. In addition, it also has many uses in pastry: rose muffins, rose ice cream, rose loukoums…
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